Saturday, February 3, 2007

This Saturday ( 10 February 2007) there will be a cooking competition between all senior patrols. We will cook using modern utensils but with a wood fire ( not using gas stove). It is advisable to bring your own fire wood and platforms( brick or stone) to put your wok on. The marking system is as folows.

Dish Marks
Meehoon 20%
Vegetable 20%
Chicken breasts 20%
Patrol Special(Your own creation) 40%

PLs must collect a total of RM 5 from your patrol for the first three dishes. These three will be provided. For the Patrol Special, you are given a budget of RM5. Only the basic ingredients will be provided. Others things (onion, garlic, spices, sauce, oil etc) will have to contributed by your own patrol. Bring your own ladels.

Competition Rules
1.You have two hours to cook including fire lighting time.
2.You are not allowed to combine any of the 4 dishes.

P.S> The Patrol Special is meant to make you think creatively and inovatively so try coming up with a creative and inovative dish.


yewleung said...

i never knew 17th PJ had a blog!

Anonymous said...

since ere has no cbox...
pls update la...its too much without any posts ere...
dont make it so pathetic..=P